Welcome to the Westborough, MA Volleyball Signup Page

I have just been back to see the new results. 2 new beautiful courts now exist where one was before. Here is the picture I took of them.
[Picture of new Westborough Volleyball Courts]
I met a person who works at eClinicalWorks who told me that the re-habilitation of the courts was done by eClinicalWorks, but that the courts remain open for use by anyone who works there, and that eClinicalWorks was thinking about starting up a Monday night league in the near future.

I have just visited the volleyball court to see if anyone was there playing, and lo and behold, there is a Bobcat front-loader sitting in the court, both posts have been dug up, all the containing boards have been removed and have been stacked near the evergreen trees. Looks like major surgery. I hope this isn't the end for the court! Someone has replaced the old net with a new one, but the wrong sized net (for the posts). More information when I go back in a week or so.

If anyone has any information on what's going on, I would be intested in finding out. (I should have taken some pictures!)

I have created a new GNU Mailman email list to replace the old exploder list. The official address is: . The old address no longer works. We are now one big happy email list! The WWW page for the email list is found here . Go there to modify your personnal settings and to subscribe/unsubscribe as you see fit. Anything sent to the list administrator will find its way to me. Also, any posts sent from un-subscribed addresses will have to be approved by me before they get sent to the list. That should eliminate the SPAM we've been getting recently. I apologize for the inconvenience.

NEW 2011: American Superconductor is gone! eClinicalWorks now occupies the building at 2 Technology Drive! The parking lot has been repaved, and is mostly full. Park as close to the court as you can, and walk the rest of the way.

NEW 2009: I have just added a second set of signups for after work play (6PM). Please make sure the correct radio button for whether you are signing up for lunchtime or evening play is checked.

NEW 2008: a week's worth of signups! When you sign up, you can now choose which day you are signing up for. This list is a rolling list, so please be aware of which day of the week you are signing up for! If you have any problems with it, please let know!

The following people are signed up to play in the next week:
Sign up to play at lunchtime on Sunday, February 23 Sign up to play at lunchtime on Monday, February 24 Sign up to play at lunchtime on Tuesday, February 25 Sign up to play at lunchtime on Wednesday, February 26 Sign up to play at lunchtime on Thursday, February 27 Sign up to play at lunchtime on Friday, February 28 Sign up to play at lunchtime on Saturday, March 1
Sign up to play in the evening on Sunday, February 23 Sign up to play in the evening on Monday, February 24 Sign up to play in the evening on Tuesday, February 25 Sign up to play in the evening on Wednesday, February 26 Sign up to play in the evening on Thursday, February 27 Sign up to play in the evening on Friday, February 28 Sign up to play in the evening on Saturday, March 1

If you are having problems logging in, drop a line and I'll try and help you through the easy process....

If you wish to send an email to everyone who is on the email list, use this

Local Weather info

If you are at all in doubt about the weather, I highly recommend the following 2 links: When you get there, I recommend that you check the Counties , Highways , and Watch Boxes check boxes and then click the Save button. If there are any "cones" that cover the Westborough area, we're due for Thunderstorms. If I remember correctly, I think the cones cover a 1 hour forecast (each "stripe" is a 10 minute interval). Also, if any green/yellow/red is headed our way, we're in for rain. If the storm watch is clear enough, and there are people signed up to play, someone will usually be at the court! Use them ... wisely ....
A few interesting links:

The Volleyball court can be found across the street from the Courtyard Marriott Suites (at 3 Technology Drive) in the back parking lot for 2 Technology Drive, in Westborough, MA. If you need one, here is a map to the court:

[Map of Westborough Volleyball Location] Click here for an aerial view of the court. (Thanks to Al Sung for the .jpg)

Last updated: Fri Jul 24 2:06:40 UTC 2015

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