Welcome to the Hampton Beach Weekend Volleyball Signup Page


The following people are signed up to play this weekend:
Sign up to play on Saturday, March 1 Sign up to play on Sunday, February 23

If you are having problems logging in, drop a line and I'll try and help you through the easy process....

Who we are!

We regularly play some beach volleyball on Saturdays (or some Sundays) with the PIRATES group (Rick Wagner et al) at Hampton Beach , Hampton, NH (see Directions below). The level of play is Yankee C- to C+, and up, but all are welcome to come and join them play. We usually have 2 nets up by 9:30-10:00 AM, so there is hardly ever waiting, even with a large group.

Where we play!

You can find us by:
Take Rt 95 North, leave Mass, enter NH, use bathrooms in NH at tourist station, leave tourist station, take Exit 2 (Just before Toll Gates, stay to the far right, your separate toll gate is at the end of the exit and costs $0.75, or use your Fast Lane/EZ-Pass). Take left at the fork coming out of the toll gate. Straight ahead to the ocean, then turn right and find a place to park.

If you have never been there, go round the loop once, find the right court, then find a place to park. Don't worry about passing past where you came from the highway to the beach, there will be a left turn through the center parking area to bring you back.

We are generally opposite somewhere between A street to C street.

If the day's forecast calls for really hot temps you might want to bring sand sox. Also, if anyone has a blanket to fasten to the sun side of the canopy, it would add shade, good if there's a crowd.

The volleyball court we play on can usually be found somewheres between A St and C St.

Click here for a Google Maps view of the court area. Google has recently updated their satellite imagery! It is much better than it used to be! And you can use it to get personalized directions!

Local Weather info

If you are at all in doubt about the weather, I highly recommend the following 2 links: When you get there, I recommend that you check the Counties , Highways , and Watch Boxes check boxes and then click the Save button. If there are any "cones" that cover the Hampton Beach area, we're due for Thunderstorms. If I remember correctly, I think the cones cover a 1 hour forecast (each "stripe" is a 10 minute interval). Also, if any green/yellow/red is headed our way, we're in for rain. If the storm watch is clear enough, someone will usually be at the court! Use them ... wisely .... .

Hampton Beach Web Cam

Who'd've thought that Hampton Beach has a 24/7 Web Cam ! Click on the link to see Hampton Beach as it looks right now! Warning: you'll need to have a JAVA plugin properly integrated into your Web Browser for this to work. (That is left as an exercise for the reader!)
A few interesting links:

Last updated: Fri Jul 24 2:03:19 UTC 2015

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