Framingham Outdoor Volleyball Sign-ups

This page is for the Framingham Outdoor pick-up volleyball group which plays pick-up volleyball in Framingham.

If you are having trouble viewing this page, try using the "zoom" feature of your browser to zoom out, or run in a higher resolution screen. I run 1280 pixel wide screens (or larger) on most of my computers at home. Nonetheless, this page should be viewable down to 1024x768 screen size. Below that resolution, you will notice that you might need to scroll the screen from left to right.

Ed Mercorelli has requested a signup page for a court in Southborough at the Margaret A. Neary Elementary School. So, here it is Southborough Sand Pickup Volleyball
Play will primarily be on Sunday Afternoons @ 3:00 PM.

(06/02/14) New Year!
Administrivia: After Accidentally deleting the email list last September, during a botched system upgrade, I am asking that everyone who wants to, please re-register with the Mailman email list (see below).
Please remember the address is now: 20 Briarwood Road. The white house on the left just north of Tally Ho Lane. The location is my backyard. Room for 1 court, and a swimming pool is available to cool off in. Same as before, sign-up below if you plan to come and play. Short court with 8 people or less, full sized court if more than 8 people.
I live about 3 miles west of the Walsh Middle School (where we used to play), just north of Route 30 (and the reservoirs) near the Southborough town line.

(08/08/13)Reminder: Our Field permit runs out after 08/15/13. I have not yet applied for another from the town. What I am considering instead, is to move the group to my backyard. There is plenty of street parking. We haven't had enough people to warrant a second net yet, anyway. I would also open up playing from Tuesday/Thursdays to any day of the week (weekends included). Just use the sign-up list as always. You are also free to use the email list to plead your case for playing on any particular day! Feed back welcome. If you prefer to continue to play at Walsh, let me know and I'll apply for a field permit through the end of September.

(06/25/13) Attendance: Attendance is way off recently. We've been cancelling during some great playing weather. This kinda makes it not worth it to play. I know I'm not getting my exercise.... I also know that vacations, other leagues, and injuries are getting in the way as well. Please don't make me search for other opportunities to play volleyball. Sign up early, sign up often, tell your friends and help them sign up too.

(05/17/13) Field Permit: Parks & Recreation emailed me today to tell me that the field permit is ready to be signed and picked up. I hereby declare Framingham Outdoor Volleyball open for business! I'll pick it up next week and have it ready for Thursday 05/23/13.

(09/14/10) Character translations:
I fixed things so you can now use ' characters in your name string. I've been noticing some frustration with some sign-ups recently. This should fix that. Sorry for not fixing it sooner. Please let know if there are any other characters you are having problems using....

Cell Phone link:
For those of you with Cell phones who just want to check out today's sign-up list, bookmark this link on your cell phone:
sign-up list

If you need directions to my house, I strongly suggest that you click on the red push pin and use Google Maps for directions.

My house is pointed to by the red push pin.

Please use the sign-up below to let others know who will be playing on any particular day.

Video courtesy of Lael Oliveria.

View Framingham Outdoor Volleyball in a larger map
Use of the Hands outdoor:
This is a link to an interesting article on what constitutes legal vs illegal use of the hands in outdoor volleyball.
This video is an example of an illegal contact. The guy teaching it even says so.
Please be aware of these techniques when you play with us.

Today is Sunday, February 23
Sunset is at 18:25
Current temperature in Framingham is: -460 degrees.

The following people are signed up to play this week:
Sign up to play on Sunday, February 23 Sign up to play on Monday, February 24 Sign up to play on Tuesday, February 25 Sign up to play on Wednesday, February 26 Sign up to play on Thursday, February 27 Sign up to play on Friday, February 28 Sign up to play on Saturday, March 1

If you are having problems logging in, drop a line and I'll try and help you through the easy process....

Email List:
We now have an email list page ! Check it out!

Local Weather info

If you are at all in doubt about the weather, I highly recommend the following links: If you use either of the Intellicast links, I recommend that you check the Counties , Highways , and Watch Boxes check boxes and then click the Save button. If there are any "cones" that cover the Framingham area, we're due for Thunderstorms. If I remember correctly, each cone is a 1 hr forecast of the anticipated Thunderstorm cell direction (each "stripe" is a 10 minute interval of forecast). Also, if any green/yellow/red is headed our way, we're in for rain. If the storm watch is clear enough, someone will usually be at the school! Use them for good health....

Nashoba Valley Summer Adult Volleyball League

Nashoba Valley Ski Area runs summer volleyball leagues. Information about them can be found here. I haven't played at Nashoba since 2001.

Upcoming Outdoor Tournaments

Yankee keeps a list of the Outdoor Tournaments here . It should be available soon after Memorial Day Weekend.

Upcoming Indoor Tournaments

The 2013-2014 Yankee Indoor season is about to start. Check back later in September for next year's low level schedule....

Yankee Championships

Check back later.


While, we don't have any set teams, we do have a couple of sets of core players for the following teams. Please remember that not everyone can play in every tournament, so to that end, we allow people to SIGN UP for each tournament they'd like to play in.
Men's C-
Kevin Cummings C
Daniel Chen C
Dave Nickerson C
Ed Mercorelli C
Eric Olsen C
Tony Stratton C
Jim Borys C-
Jeff Myers C-
Steve Brodeur C
Mohamed Si-Bachir C+
Alan Leclaire C
Dave DeGrand C-
Thanh Mai C+
Drew Watson C-
Don Patten C
Tony Brown C
Rich Waddington C-
Bill Klunk C-
John Klunk C
Jim Rehill C-
Don Belleville C-
Men's C
Kevin Cummings C
Eric Olsen C
Steve Brodeur C
Ed Mercorelli C
Dave Nickerson C
Tony Stratton C
Sean Wilmot C
Felix Rieper C
Tony Brown C
Daniel Chen C
Jim Utoff C
Mike Mudawar C
Chris Hill C
Mohammed Si-Bachir C+
Toby DeGrand C+
George LaPointe C+
Darin Ursuliak C+
Alex Cornelissen C+
Eric Corl C
David Divris C+
Thanh Mai C+
Ray Lepage B-
Dave Meeks B-
Bill Lewandowski B-
Ray Labbé B-
Tom Orent B-
Drew Blankenberg B-

and a whole plethora of C- players if we need one or two of them....
Women's C-
Allison Cummings C+
Cathie Cummings C
Tanya Beckford C
Katie Spiegel C
Randle Stock C+
Melody Lepage C-
Christine Chipolone C-
Tracy Ryan C-
Rita Mudawar C
Wanda Blanckenberg C-
Grace Fong C-
Courtney Crouse C
Women's C
Allison Cummings C+
Cathie Cummings C
Tanya Beckford C
Mary Hill C
Katie Spiegel C
Rita Mudawar C
Randle Stock B-
Lee Schortmann C+
Denise Hill C+
Coed/Reverse C-
Kevin Cummings C
??? man C-
??? man C-
Allison Cummings C+
Christine Chipolone C-
Katie Speigal C
Courtney Crouse C
Here we have lots of options from all of the above listed people!
But, I try to start with:
Coed/Reverse C
Kevin Cummings C
Allison Cummings C+
Mohammed Si-Bachir C+
Adina Ion C+
Denise Hill C+

WARNING! the above core teams are subject to change as players are or are not available!

How to signup

If you'd like to play in a team tournament, send some email. . I'll even help organize a second team if there is enough interest!


Most outdoor tournaments have no uniform requirements (to the best of my knowledge), but check with the tournament director to be sure!

Yankee indoor tournaments require that each player on a roster have a numbered shirt (both front and back). The numbers are supposed to to unique on the roster, and be at least 4" on the front and 6" on the back. (6" on the front and 8" on the back are recommended!) My idea was for us, as a "team" to select a shirt style from the Spike Nashbar catalog, add some wording to it (like FRAMINGHAM, or Framingham Outdoor, FOG, or other some such wording, and then also have each person who wants one to add their number to their order. In that way, I'll get some of my T-Shirts back, and everyone who plays with us can have a unique number such that we can put any combination of us on a team at the same time.

We can either order some very nice shirts (for about $30 plus printing), or we can choose to order cheaper T-Shirts plus printing, OR we can buy REALLY cheap t-shirts ($3.33 apeice @ A. C. Moore) and put numbers and maybe a design on them ourselves (~$1 per 8.5x11 transfer page). Please let me know what your preference is....

Here are some of the numbers that I know about:

Name Number(s)
Tanya Beckford 1
Drew Blanckenberg 59, 69, 99
Jim Borys 3, 7, 8
Daniel Chen 6, 9, 12, 13, 17
Christine Chipolone 2, 21
Alex Cornelissen 7, 8
Allison Cummings 15, 26
Cathie Cummings 1, 5
Kevin Cummings 9, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 78, 79
Dan Curren 1, 2, 3
Dave DeGrand 50
Toby DeGrand 27
Chris Hill 4
Bill Lewandowski 10, 85
Luke Ma 49
Robb Mackenzie 8, 17, 33, 49
Thanh Mai 1
Jim Mann 3
Dave Meeks 4, 33
Ed Mercorelli 13, 20, 32
Mike Mudawar 11
Rita Mudawar 12
Doug Nashold 22
Dave Nickerson 7, 14
Eric Olsen 42, 66
Tom Paden 17, 18
Don Patten 25
Keri Pyke 88
Jim Rehill 32
Felix Rieper 7
Phil Servita 98
Mohammed Sibachir 6
Emilio Staffiere 23, 26
Darin Ursuliak 23
Rich Waddingtom 42, 93
Drew Watson 4, 23
Sean Wilmot 3
Alan Young 5, 8

I'll add more here when I find them out (when you play with us!)

Just a note to say thanks to Dave Nickerson for providing numbered uniform shirts for the Coed C- team at Championships! Even if they do advertise his sound company! Now, if we can just get matching shorts....

Last updated: Fri, 05 Jun 2015 19:29:45 +0000

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